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                Welcome to Zhejiang Donghang Fire Pump Industry Co., Ltd. website ! 中文   |    English
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                    EAST MARINE FIRE PUMP CO.,LTD  ZHEJIANG was established   in 1945。 It changed to state-pricate coownership in 1955.and merged with the donghang machinery plant of the PLA in 1959. Later.in was turned into a wholly stateowned enterprise.At the end of 2002,it was changed to a jiont-stock enterprise.Based in TAIZHOU,a developed city in central coastal area of zhejiang.Water and land travel is available to the factory.

                    The company boasting a floor area of 64,170 square meters and staff of over 700 including 158 teachnicians with teachnical titles of medium level or above,8 senior engineers and 48 administrative staff,this company is a specially engaged in the manufacturing,research.sales,development and service of the marine pump,fire protecition pump,lifepump,industroy pump and motors.A test center for pump performance examination is used to generate results by computers.All critical Procedures have a quality control and examination high precision center.These modern techniques give the factory a complete quality control system for the whole manufacturing procedure.

                   This company has producing history of water pump of over 50 years;it is the earlist factory that specializes in peoducing water pump in the whole country (its precursor is the designated factory of the Machinery Ministry),and it is a member of national joint-design group of water pump,and had obtained the first of national joint-design's hydraulic model of IS pump. In recent years according to the larest demands of market both home and abroad,this conpany has further perfected and developed series of vertical  type and horizontal type civil and marine centrifugal ha further perfected and developed series of vertical type and horizontal type civil and marine centrifugal pump of clear water Model ISG(CISG),DL(CDL),GDL,CLH,LD,IS(CS),BY(CBY),S(CLS),BZ(CBZ),CP(CPT),CWX,PWF,WQ,WLand YW,and series of petrochemical industrial pump Model HYG,CYZ,and KCB(2CY).Furthermore in order to satisfy the brisk demands of social infrastructure to fire-fighting products,this company has put priority on development of vertical type and horizontal type fire-fighting pump Model XBD-G-L,XBD-G-LD,XBD-G-BY,XBD-G-IS,XBD-G-TSWA and XBC SERIES fire-fighting pump group of diesel engine as well as a complete sel of equipment of air-pressure water supply of fire-fighting.All of these products have obtained correlative certification,in which  fire-fighting water pumps have passed the test of quality supervision and inspection center of national fire-fighting device,the marine pump has passed CCS certificate of China classification society and the france register of shipping BV,the different kinds of credential certificate can be offered when leave the factory.The service area is include marine and energy,mime metallurgy,petroleum,chemical,building materials textile,food,pharmacy,farmirrigation and nationa defense construction,in the past several ten years,we got the good feedback and repute from our customer.

                     The trademark beijia has been registered with the Trademark office,state Administration for industy and commerce,the people's republic china. Our company has obtained ISO9001:2000 approval.

                COMPANY PROFILE

                    EAST MARINE FIRE PUMP CO.,LTD  ZHEJIANG was established   in 1945。 It changed to state-pricate coownership in 1955.and merged with the donghang machinery plant of the PLA in 1959. Later.in was turned into a wholly stateowned enterprise.At the end of 2002,it was changed to a jiont-stock enterprise.Based in TAIZHOU,a developed city in central coastal area of zhejiang.Water and land travel is available to the factory.

                    The company boasting a floor area of 64,170 square meters and staff of over 700 including 158 teachnicians with teachnical titles of medium level or above,8 senior engineers and 48 administrative staff,this company is a specially engaged in the manufacturing,research.sales,development and service of the marine pump,fire protecition pump,lifepump,industroy pump and motors.A test center for pump performance examination is used to generate results by computers.All critical Procedures have a quality control and examination high precision center.These modern techniques give the factory a complete quality control system for the whole manufacturing procedure.

                   This company has producing history of water pump of over 50 years;it is the earlist factory that specializes in peoducing water pump in the whole country (its precursor is the designated factory of the Machinery Ministry),and it is a member of national joint-design group of water pump,and had obtained the first of national joint-design's hydraulic model of IS pump. In recent years according to the larest demands of market both home and abroad,this conpany has further perfected and developed series of vertical  type and horizontal type civil and marine centrifugal ha further perfected and developed series of vertical type and horizontal type civil and marine centrifugal pump of clear water Model ISG(CISG),DL(CDL),GDL,CLH,LD,IS(CS),BY(CBY),S(CLS),BZ(CBZ),CP(CPT),CWX,PWF,WQ,WLand YW,and series of petrochemical industrial pump Model HYG,CYZ,and KCB(2CY).Furthermore in order to satisfy the brisk demands of social infrastructure to fire-fighting products,this company has put priority on development of vertical type and horizontal type fire-fighting pump Model XBD-G-L,XBD-G-LD,XBD-G-BY,XBD-G-IS,XBD-G-TSWA and XBC SERIES fire-fighting pump group of diesel engine as well as a complete sel of equipment of air-pressure water supply of fire-fighting.All of these products have obtained correlative certification,in which  fire-fighting water pumps have passed the test of quality supervision and inspection center of national fire-fighting device,the marine pump has passed CCS certificate of China classification society and the france register of shipping BV,the different kinds of credential certificate can be offered when leave the factory.The service area is include marine and energy,mime metallurgy,petroleum,chemical,building materials textile,food,pharmacy,farmirrigation and nationa defense construction,in the past several ten years,we got the good feedback and repute from our customer.

                     The trademark beijia has been registered with the Trademark office,state Administration for industy and commerce,the people's republic china. Our company has obtained ISO9001:2000 approval.


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